You've got a garden and want to make the most of sunny days, particularly by installing a swimming pool. But you've got a lot of doubts, and you're afraid you're making the wrong choice. Here are a few reasons why you should consider the advantages of above-ground pools, i.e. those that can be installed directly on the ground without the need to dig foundations.
1er myth: "It's too expensive!
FALSE! Unlike in-ground pools, above-ground pools do not require any earthworks. There are several models of above-ground pool to suit different budgets. The cheapest are inflatable and freestanding pools; for around a hundred euros, you can have access to a reasonably sized pool, and for an even lower price, smaller pools are available. If you're prepared to invest a little more, you can consider kit pools. Made from wood or steel, they are easy to assemble. Above-ground pools are therefore accessible to all budgets and represent a much smaller investment than in-ground pools.
2th myth: "It's too complicated!
FAUX ! Avoir une piscine, qu’elle soit hors-sol ou non, nécessite un maintenance régulier pour garder l’eau propre et agréable. Il ne faut cependant pas être découragé par cette tâche, car there are many simple and cost-effective solutions. L’action principale à réaliser est d’utiliser une épuisette pour retirer les débris de la surface de l’eau chaque jour. Cela ne prend que 5 minutes et contribue à la qualité de l’eau. Il est également conseillé d’utiliser un aspirateur de piscine ou un système de filtration. Vous n’aurez qu’à l’activer et il s’occupera de filtrer l’eau tout seul. Pour prévenir l’apparition de moisissures, il est essentiel de traiter chimiquement l’eau, avec des produits comme le chlore ou le brome, tout en sachant qu’il existe également des solutions écologiques. Des kits pré-dosés peuvent être achetés si vous ne souhaitez pas manipuler les produits vous-même. En cas de besoin, vous pouvez faire appel à un professionnel pour s’occuper de l’maintenance de votre piscine hors-sol. Enfin, durant l’hiver, il est important de couvrir votre piscine pour la préserver ou de la vidanger.
3th myth: "My electricity bill is going to go through the roof".
VRAI/FAUX ! Posséder une piscine hors-sol engendre des frais, principalement liés à son maintenance. Ces coûts, bien que réels, doivent être mis en perspective. D’abord, ils ne sont pas si élevés que ce que l’on pourrait croire. Certes, la consommation électrique augmente car les appareils de filtration nécessitent de l’énergie, but this increase remains moderate. You can opt for low-energy consumption equipment, which will minimise the increase in your electricity bill. What's more, these regular costs need to be compared with expenditure on other leisure activities. If you stayed by your pool all afternoon, you could instead have gone to the local swimming pool, the cinema, or taken the car to the beach. In this case, you would also have had to pay for petrol or the pool entrance fee, which can become significant in the long term. À long terme, vos frais d’maintenance resteront donc assez raisonnables and should not act as a brake.
4th myth: "It's risky!
TRUE/FALSE! One of the concerns most often raised is the danger of accidents or drowning.
There's no doubt that a private swimming pool presents greater risks than a public pool where professionals are on hand to supervise the area. However, while parents need to be vigilant with their children, there are a number of devices that can help. For example, your pool can be covered when not in use, or fitted with an alarm that goes off when no-one is supposed to be in the water. So if someone falls into the pool, the alarm goes off and you can react quickly. On the other hand, an above-ground pool is also an excellent way of introducing your children to the water and helping them learn to swim at an early age.
5th myth: "It's not pretty
FALSE! The perception of above-ground pools is often negative because of their appearance. Inflatable pools may seem unsuitable for a pretty garden, but today there are many pools designed to blend harmoniously into your outdoor space. These include wooden or steel swimming pool kits with wooden linings, which are also easier to maintain. There are also some very attractive inflatable spas.