
How do you add colour to your pool?

How do you add colour to your pool?

pool colour

Swimming pools conjure up a fascinating world, whether in tourism or the cinema, and we all remember those images of clear, azure water that make us dream... and that we'd like to have in our own homes when choosing our own pool! The colour of a swimming pool is the result of delicate blends and diverse environmental conditionsIt's often difficult to predict the final result once the pool has been filled. However, by carefully selecting the colour of your liner and taking account of the outside elements, you can get closer to the desired result!

The depth of the pool, exposure to the sun, the environment and the quality of the water.

It is essential to know that the depth of your pool is a key factor: the deeper it is, the darker the colour will appear. You should also consider the pool environment Will it be in the sun or in the shade, surrounded by grass, close to your house or under trees? Don't neglect the materials and colours around the pool either. The effect will be completely different depending on whether you use stone, tiles, brick or concrete! The climate also plays its part, as the water looks clearer in sunshine, while it darkens and takes on a more intense hue when the sky is cloudy. Think about this when choosing the location for your pool.

Another decisive factor for the colour of your pool is the type of filtration you opt for Whereas a traditional swimming pool tends to have a bluish tint, an ecological pool, with no added chemicals, will offer green reflections similar to those of river water!

The colour of the liner

The main thing that will influence the colour of your pool and give it its identity is of course choice of coating or liner. Blue is naturally the most common shade, but there are also various shades; you can also choose a white, green or beige liner. A white liner will give the water a luminous, crystal-clear appearance with silver highlights, a beige liner will produce turquoise highlights, while a light grey background will add a natural touch with very pleasant minty highlights. Also note that the darker your coating, the more coloured the water will appear. As a result, a light blue liner will generate delicate pale blue tones, a dark blue will give a navy blue look accentuating depth, a turquoise blue liner will add an exotic atmosphere, while green will introduce a very natural note.

You can also choose to stand out with a less conventional liner, such as a black liner that will turn your pool into a large opaque mirror reflecting its surroundings, or a printed liner for more creativity.

How do you choose?

Whatever your colourful pool ideals, bear in mind that a clear coating will make it easier to assess the colour and therefore the quality of the water. Greenish water can indicate the presence of algae, white water is a sign of excess limescale, and yellow highlights reveal the presence of iron. A pool with too pronounced a tint could hide these subtle variations and prevent you from intervening quickly.

You should also know that in certain regions exposed to the risk of fire, blue liners may be prohibitedfor safety reasons.

Teams are sent to take water from pools to fight fires, and they can identify from the air whether pools are empty or full. It's also important to check with your local council for specific rules: in some protected areas, swimming pools may be perceived as disrupting the aesthetics of the landscape, and the use of light-coloured liners may be prohibited.

Another long-term consideration is the fading of the liner over time, caused by the sun or chlorine. A light-coloured liner will reduce the visibility of differences between areas exposed to the sun and those in the shade, or between submerged and emerged areas. On the other hand, marks left by limescale will be more visible on a dark liner than on a light one.

Temporary options

You can also opt to add colour to your pool on a temporary basis, for example during an event, by using soluble dyes ! You can create anything with a pink, orange, turquoise or mauve dye that will fade in a few hours. Don't forget the coloured lights and LED spotlights that can transform the atmosphere of your pool, or the coloured objects to place on the shore or on the water like illuminated cubes or designer outdoor lamps that will add charm to your garden!